Friday, 2 March 2012

Root, Route, Rout

They do say that we, The Americans and the British are a common people separated by their language, well perhaps so.

The last Blog had the map of the US emblazoned along with the route clearly shown, but then no words are spoken with image  - how different when the Brits talk with the Americans, even more so when an American, who has lived a good while in the UK calls the States and talks about The Route.

Here's the thing, the Americans pronounce the word like an untidy military withdrawal, a rout, we pronounce it as that bit of the plant that is underground - a root.

So now you have the picture, Tom and American living and having lived in the UK for some time talks to the US and has a problem with how to say the word route, or is that rout or even root?

But for those that didn't get to see it last time here is the route, root, rout, in fact here is the detailed first day one of the same.

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