Tuesday, 5 June 2012

Marshalls, Deputies, Missouri

So if its Monday it must be Missouri, well its certainly Missouri, and like all the other states Missouri has ts own personality its own identity.  The land is more wooded, it is rolling, hilly, and those living here tell me that the people come from all over. It was one of the last states to be settled, not such easy land to farm with all those trees to contend with and all the hills to be in the way I guess.  Its beautiful and very wooded. We have just driven through a forest that is 50 miles by 40 miles, but, this is just one of seven large tracts of natural woodland in the SE of Missouri.  Americans will be used to the scale of things in their country but someone from the UK or Europe for that matter find the scale is the country as amazing.

Our day started with the reading of the names at the home of Eric, the guy I mentioned who is a very good cyclist and opened up his home to us.   He also has his own business, which, incidentally he started at age 19, 20 years ago, The business has flourished and it was at its premises we had the ceremony that day.

Well, we like to think so....but the fact is we can't all be like John Wayne who apparently signed the shirt.

So Deputies?

Yes, and nothing other than a very helpful deputy that asked if all was well when we were parked (very sensibly) and having a break and a coffee, "Was all OK?"    Well yes it was and made all the better for a shot of a Missourian officer of the law.  It seems that the Deputy is a hired role and the Sheriff is the one that is chosen by ballot, in fact the elections are coming up soon so lots of 'Vote For' signs around and about.

As we travel it does give me chance to stop in small towns and sometimes take a photograph or two of the things which look interesting. Personally, people are the most interesting of subjects, and generally most people don't mind if I take their photo if I ask.  This was the case with this man.  An ex Vietnam soldier.  Being helped in his store by friends. A super guy to talk to.  After he had got over his nervousness of seeing a camera pointed at him was just a great model

His is, or was in this case, the Marshall in the title of this blog.

Helped in the store by a man who is also the chief of the volunteer fire service in the town.
While the Chief's wife enjoys phone rage...


1 comment:

  1. Bruce...Love the new main picture of all the cyclists and as usual all the stories and photos..give the 'boys' a big hug & kiss from me...LOL...Wendy (Oxford)
