Friday, 15 June 2012

Problems come in three's

Dear reader, they do say that you should never start anything with an apology, so first I apologise.

No wifi has given me problems in getting the blog both written, for which a good connection is essential and posted which helps.

But here we go, a delayed blog.

Choosing the subject was not difficult.  We had a difficult day the other day.  Let me tell something of it.

It started well enough but soon went downhill on the sudden realisation that I had lost a vital bit of kit, the iPhone. My iPhone.  Tom had been looking at it at breakfast but since then nothing.  He must have I thought.

Then the cable that allows Tom to change gear on his bike broke.  Problem no 2.

We had agreed to meet at a certain point but due to the cable Tom and Alvon needed a bike shop.  They went directly as best they could to one.  Of course I had no idea about this as I had no means of contacts.  This is  starting now to be a problem.   I manged to find wifi in a Children's Activity Centre.  I called Alvon from the iPad and via Skype.  He advised me where they where. He said Naples Road.

Punch Naples Road into sat nav only (GPS in the US) to find out that there is no Naples Road anywhere in Nashville.  Back onto iPad and Google. Try Maples Road.  Yes they were there

Then was the phone there?.   No iPhone with Tom. We all rip the RV apart, call the phone etc. No phone.

So Apple software steps up, with Apple via the net and another Apple device you can ask it to tell you where your phone is...yes amazing isn't it?  And its in the RV, back to to the vehicle and sure enough its there, Sound turned off and in a bag.

So going well.  Here is the bike shop where the bike is fixed....

And why is it the blokes that work in bike shops are always just so great, often with beards and always happy.

So off we go, to continue the route.  I go to set up the RV and go to the big camp site at Manchester.  Now we never book, or seldom do, out in the sticks you just don't need to but this weekend in Manchester, maybe a two horse town, is host to one of the biggest country and rock festivals in the US, Bonaroo,  like Woodstock we were told.

85,000 people there and no space for an RV. We were advised to go to Nashville, having just cycled the 74 miles to Manchester that was not going to happen.

We did get somewhere in the end that was just great, in the trees and with a pool. here is the pool but hey what a day.

This is not the most 'up market' of sites bit it did have a great line in signs...

The next day started wet, it was was raining cats and dogs.  Tom was prepared though, this from the Goggle site and 101 things to do with a bin bag  (trash bag)

The next day saw the rains and two tyres (tires)shredded by glass, and did I mention the dogs, a bad day for feral dogs.

One thing that was good for me at least, chance to get a good shot of an old car....

Have a good 'un y'all.

1 comment:

  1. Hi all, not far to go now (well relatively ... !). Congratulations on such a worthwhile mission. Dahlonega and Chattanooga are especially close to our hearts - they were regular day trips from Atlanta when the kids were young. Perhaps you'll make it to Kennesaw?

    We love the pictures Bruce. Wonderful to see all the faces and places across America. As to the mystery object - you have us baffled! Possibly some sort of 'smoker' for meat/fish ?

    See y'all soon !
