Wednesday, 9 May 2012

Goodbye White Sulphur hello Harlowton

Dear Reader, the journey continues.  We, as you know are crossing Montana, this on bikes is no soft or easy option.  The weather has been our friend most of the time, so we have enjoyed, wind, behind us, snow, gales and rain.  They do say here that the weather change in an instant, well maybe but today it's just shy of 90 degrees.

The bikers are now on the RV site on Billings. known as the Banana Belt of Montana because the weather here is so mild, well its certainly hot!

We spent the night in a small town high up on the prairie, Harlowton, more of this later but to get here we continued to pass through the the most amazing country, but as they say a picture is worth a thousand words. so a short video may be more.

So the town of Harlowton, this is a smal town high up on the high lands of Montana.   It proved itself to be a remakable one. We were met by the elderly and sprightly Glen. He met us as we came into town and organised a great deal for us in the town, so many thanks Glen.

He also introduced us to a remarkable woman.

Mary Bethh has organised a wall of remeberance of all the local man and women that are involved in the conflict in Afghanistan.

Her fmaily has owned the diner since the 50's and she now runs the buisness. She insisted that we have 'breakfast on her' this morning.  Very good as well.

The morning saw the ceremony where we honour the fallen from both the UK and US.  It was in front a wall of rememberance installed by the town.

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