Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Time to stop

Dear Reader, you will know that the focus for this Blogger has been,wifi do we have it, is it strong, all very boring.

Well now we have some wifi and its a chance get the blog up to date.

The bikers have a hard week, lots of miles, over 500 since last Monday, good weather, bad weather, hot weather and so it goes so today we are taking R&R at Devils Tower in the NE of Wyoming.

So now we are out of the fine state of Montana a few shots of the state taken over the last couple of days.

As you travel East in the state the population gets less, the roads straighter and the land almost fully devoted to the production of beef.

We left the site of the Battle of the Little Big Horn, one of the rangers was a great source of information and  great guy.  It turned out that Gerry had been a vicar in an Anglican Church locally. The vicar now was from Birmingham in the UK

On leaving, the problem was always where to stay overnight, the RV is pretty self sufficient but we need to be able to email and all the rest. We finished up in great site in the forest, the site that Alvon does his head stands as per the last blog. A good night.

The day took us on to Broadus, to get a fix on how thin on the ground people are I understand that the population of the town is the largest for a radius of 80 miles, the population is 700.  (I should explain for our US reader that 'thin on the ground' means not many people or sparse)

In Broadus they serve the best shakes (milk that is) for a very long way. We agree.

We are met by Boo Craig, Boo was an infantry man in Vietnam.

After a total of 94 miles we stop for the night in Alzada, population 7.

A bar that defies descriptions.

Inside we have a cold beer and meet ranchers back from  a day's branding.


  1. How exciting!!! Isn't it a miracle that this massive country can be so diverse but still have the common goal of God & Country. Actually it is not a miracle, it is a divine plan given to us by our forefathers and all who have sacrificed their lives for the freedoms we enjoy. My love and prayers are with all four of you! Eunice

  2. Again, what fantastic pictures! Well done Bruce!
    You should be thinking of doing a exhibition back in the UK and maybe a book! ;)
