Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Kansas but no yellow brick road

So yes we have finally left the state of Nebraska,  a great state, very different from the East to the West.   But a good time. Now we are in Kansas.

It does give me chance to go on about the weather, its hot, about 100 degrees (38 degrees Celsius) with a very strong wind from  the South, more or less in the faces of the boys on the bikes.

A long ride as well, so its good that today, I'm writing this on Sunday, that we can all have a rest.

One of the questions people don't ask is ".....What do you do all day?"  Well one of the many tasks of the support team, ie me, is to make sure that we food and water available. This will mean regular trips to the supermarket to stock up. The biggest in the US is Walmart, I think this is the case but if not perhaps our American reader will correct me.

Anyway, Walmart, its good to be able to mention Walmart as it is an interesting place to shop. Normally vast, but with one very distinctive feature, for me at least not this is not the most uplifting of stores. But, dear viewer have a look..

So, Kansas, noted so far for its wind, we travel across the state for the next four days or so.

The roads seem to go North to South or East to West, very few diagonally. The roads are generally straight. So our next ride, from Marysville to Sabetha, about 45 miles, has just one turn in the road, and that is is road junction, from West to North.

Our route down here took us to Beatrice, pronounced Bee At Treece, there we met with Bill  who passed us a donation to the charity.  A super guy who told us of his collection of 20 motor bikes. Today he was on his six cylinder Honda, with a special paint job, a homage to John Ford the film producer.

Our very grateful thanks got to the Beatrice Chapter of the American Legion.

The town was also host that day to the HOGS, (the Harley Owners Club), the town was full of them. But at the petrol station two other bikes, bemused by the numbers, one on a Honda the other on a Kawisaki, very happy to be photographed, and for me a sneak chance at a self portrait.

And today's roadside sign....

and the wheat fields of Kansas..

Have a good day....B

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